速報APP / 健康塑身 / Pull Ups Pro - 0 to 20 pull up challenge

Pull Ups Pro - 0 to 20 pull up challenge



檔案大小:17.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Pull Ups Pro - 0 to 20 pull up challenge workout(圖1)-速報App

Build upper body strength, physique, and stamina with pull ups! This app is great for beginners working on their first pull up, or advanced athletes looking to get 50+ pull ups.


- 11 pull up training plans

- Personal record tracking

Pull Ups Pro - 0 to 20 pull up challenge workout(圖2)-速報App

- Keep track of the total amount of pull ups completed across all workouts

- Training history

- Customizable workout reminder notifications

- Warm up routines for each workout

Pull Ups Pro - 0 to 20 pull up challenge workout(圖3)-速報App


1. Before you begin a program test your maximum number pull ups.

2. Once you know how many pull ups you can do choose a training level that is appropriate for you.

3. Use the rest timer to rest between each set of pull ups.

Pull Ups Pro - 0 to 20 pull up challenge workout(圖4)-速報App

4. Ensure you rest the proper amount of time between each workout. The default rest time is 2 days (48 hours). Keep in mind the workout reminders can be changed under Settings if you want to rest for a different amount of time between workouts.

5. After you complete a level start on the next one. You'll be doing 50 pull ups before you know it!

Pull Ups Pro - 0 to 20 pull up challenge workout(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad